Dominika Zamara, Soprano
She was born on 11 August 1981 in Wroclaw (Poland): She began
the musical education starting to play piano being 7 years old under the
care of Professor Elzbieta Maciukiewicz. Singing in her the greatest
The adventure with it started when as a child she performed solo parts
during some church celebrations. She recorded a lot of different arias
for the Polish Radio. She started the professional learning of the
singing at the Ryszard Bukowki’s Secondary Music School in the class of
professor Hanna Celejewska receiving the distinction degree.
This time she partecipated in many concerts, festival and musical
courses receiving numerous awards and distinctions for the wonderful
voice and remakable interpretation of vocal works. She has cooperated
with numerous operatic singers from all the World prestigious theatres
and concert halls such as: Polish Theatre in Wroclaw, Marianum Oratorio,
Aula Lepoldinum, Chopin’Manor in Duszniki, National Museum in Wroclaw.
She takes part in many musical, being the synthesis all sorts of art
e.g. rock opera, theatre, painting or dance. She often cooperate with an
outstanding polish painter – Witold Liszkowski. She cooperated with
Polish Television in the program Brilliant of the Year (Lower Silesian
Brialliant of the Year).
In 2004 she had the main role in the Sweeney Agonastis performance in the “Jerzy Grotowski Theatre” in Wroclaw.
In the academic year 2006/2007, the Italian Governmente awarded her a
scholarship, as part of which she studied for one year in Conservatorio
di Musica in Verona, moreover she took an active part in the artistic
life of this city. In 2007 she became a Master of Arts and received the
distinction degree under direction of Prof. Barbara Ewa Werner at the
Wroclaw Music Academy. She partecipated in masterly courses with the
most outstanding Italian singers, improving her vocal technique.
At present she has lived as well as has given concerts in Italy.
She cooperated with numerous Artistic Agencies giving a concert in the allEurope.
In 2008 she had tournee in France during the Festival of the Sacred
Music along with the outstanding virtuoso performer organist Fabrice
In 2008 she sang at the National Theatre in Montenegro in the presence of the President of this Country.
In 2009 she acted in Germany, Poland, Italy, Great Britain and Switzerland.
In 2010 she’ll sing in Italy (Rome, Venice...), Vienna during Oscars of
the Polish community abroad, in Poland, in France, in Las Palmas and in
Los Angeles.
She performs arias in Italian, Polish, English, French, Latin, Russian and Czech languages.
In her repertoire she has operas, sacred music, operettas, songs and chamber music.